
Established in 1978, Northwest Biological Consulting (NBC) specializes in the construction, monitoring and design of fisheries, wetlands, wildlife habitat and watershed restoration projects. NBC is experienced with regulations and guidelines of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as well as Sections 208 and 319 of the Clean Water Act and regulations and permits related to endangered species, wetlands and stream restoration.
Our approach to projects is holistic and multidisciplinary. NBC provides a professional team with backgrounds in habitat biology, botany, fisheries, environmental planning, wildlife biology, geomorphology, hydrology, and geographical information systems.
Design & Build
Project planning, implementation, and supervision to insure the best quality control and compliance with regulatory permit requirements. NBC has exercised full control to remove dams, restore aquatic habitat, install fish screens and diversions, and on other projects. NBC is a licensed engineering contractor in Oregon and California (CA-599428 & OR-137378). Our restoration team includes heavy equipment operators, erosion control specialists, re-vegetation technicians, and licensed construction supervisors. Our hard hat team can design a project and see it through to on the ground construction.
Habitat Restoration, Enhancement, & Construction
- Design, permitting, and construction of aquatic restoration projects.
- Repairing and enhancing riparian, estuarine, wetland and upland habitat degraded by grazing, mining, heavy industry, development, agriculture, or other impacts.
- Services include dam removal, fish screen construction, sediment removal, erosion control, fish ladders and stream restoration.
- Fish salvage and rescue capabilities via approved scientific take permits.
- Re-vegetation and bioengineering and BMP methods are utilized in implementation.
Ashland Creek
Ashland, Oregon
Wetland Mitigation & Construction of Wetland Systems
- Design, construction and monitoring of constructed mitigation wetlands for abatement of non-point source pollution from urban and agricultural run-off.
- Development of regulatory permits for wetland projects.
Riverwalk on Bear Creek
Ashland, Oregon
Environmental Assessment & Reports
NBC provides a variety of environmental reports and baseline studies in spport of regulatory permits related to aquatic habitat restoration and wetland assessment. We use Geographic Information Systems to support the mapping and display of our reports.
Watershed Analysis, Resource Assessment, Mapping, & Baseline Studies
- Inventory and assessment of riparian vegetation, fish/wildlife habitat, water quality/quantity and mapping of study results.
- Wetland and habitat mapping capabilities are enhanced by utilizing GIS technology.
- Compilation and analysis of data for identification of geomorphic processes and functions affecting watershed health.
Columbia River
Vancouver, Washington
ESA Studies, Wetland Delineation & Biological Assessments
- Creation of botanical reports and endangered species assessment.
- Wetland delineation, including investigation and analysis of soils, vegetation, and hydrology.
- Preparation of Biological Assessments and Evironmental Impact Reports for all regulatory permitting.
- Vernal pool studies, including ESA surveys & reports for fairy shrimp, meadowfoam and Cook's lomatium.
Duff II Water Treatment Facility
White City, Oregon